A warm welcome to the deep thoughts, musings, sexy tips and occasional warnings of an ex-stripper.
Toss your stilettos into a corner, lounge back on a divine divan and sample tantilizing topics including how to build self-confidence and perform your own strip-tease, controversial discussions on women's issues, psychology and addiction.
You'll also find shocking stripper news, interviews, professional stripper tips, how to maximize your earning potential and get the low-down on bizzarre strip club encounters. More serious issues such as stripper safety, drug abuse and eating disorders are discussed in this blog and balanced with fun illustrations, videos and suggestions on how to turn on your man and other posts of sensual frivolity. The boys haven't been left out and can cruise the 'Gentleman's Bar' to find out all manner of secret intelligence including how to date a stripper.
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The Palazio's Men's Club in Texas has come up with a stripper competition called (drum roll) 'Stripper Idol.' The strippers can win $500 by dancing topless for 60 seconds and the winner is judged by the amount of audience applause.
The 'American Idol' creators Freemantle Media have kicked up a stink about the name of the competition, saying that consumers will get confused or mislead about who is sponsoring the weekly events. Freemantle Media says they are infringing on trademark rights. The clubs logo for the competition has a similar look and feel to the American Idol logo, however the club manager Scott Stevenson believes otherwise, "It's shocking. We're just a local company it's not like we're some big threat."
Written by Lana night
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